We are expert housing disrepair solicitors in Nuneaton helping council and housing associations tenants in their housing disrepair compensation claims.
For free advice or to check whether you are eligible for the claim or not, fill out the form or contact us at info@disrepairsolicitor.co.uk
We offers No-Win, No-Fee Services
We accept claims against Housing Association & Council
We help you a variety of disrepair issues
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If you live in Nuneaton and rent a property from the council or housing association, your landlord is responsible for providing you a good-condition house that is fit for tenants.
If your landlord fails to maintain the property in the proper manner, and you face housing disrepair issues. These housing disrepair issues affect your health and life, you may able to make a housing disrepair claim against your landlord.
These issues includes:
If you want to claim for housing disrepair, contact our housing disrepair solicitors Nuneaton or mail us at info@disrepairsolicitor.co.uk to start your claim.
We are expert housing disrepair solicitors in the UK, with 100% client satisfaction rate. We are different form our competitors, our team working for all the UK tenants.
We are always here to help you, in your housing disrepair compensation claims. Our Housing Disrepair Solicitors guide tenants of Council & Housing Associations that face disrepair issues and causes distress and other health issues.
We are always here to advice you if you contact us and demand free consultation.